Turbine services ltd.


The biggest design problem I faced with Turbine Services Ltd. was creating a unified yet distinctly-branded experience across their three sub-sites. I had to come up with an information architecture flexible enough to accommodate the unique needs of each business – their products, services, and communication of engineering practices.


  • Information architecture
  • UX design
  • Interaction design
  • Visual design
  • Written spec
  • Project management (overseeing third-party contractors)

Responsive variations and distinctly-branded sub-sites

The client had a limited and fairly disjointed brand when they came to us, so part of my groundwork for visual exploration was bringing more intentionality and order to their brand assets. In tandem with that work, I learned as much as I could about the business and was able to tour their facilities and see the materials they produce. Once my responsive designs were approved, I worked closely with an outside vendor to implement my mockups into production code. Managing a remote dev team like this required a new level of organization and communication which I hadn’t been called upon to execute previously, but it was a rewarding challenge.

Information Architecture – Sitemap



“We've gotten excellent feedback from both customers and suppliers on the design and flow of the sites. They've commented with such things as "A great layout," "Easy to navigate," and "Refreshing new look."
– Sue Peck, Business Analyst at Turbine Services Ltd